22/05/2023|1 Minute

Crepi facade in new construction projects: Green and sustainable living!

When planning a new construction project, it is important to consider not only aesthetics and sustainability, but also the environmental friendliness of the materials chosen. Crepi, also known as facade plaster, not only offers many advantages in terms of appearance and sustainability, but is also a green and environmentally conscious choice. In this blog post we discuss why crepi installation in new construction projects is a sustainable choice that contributes to a greener future. When planning a new construction project, it is important to look not only at aesthetics and sustainability, but also at the environmental friendliness of the chosen materials. Crepi, also known as facade plaster, not only offers many advantages in terms of appearance and sustainability, but is also a green and environmentally conscious choice. In this blog post we discuss why crepi installation in new construction projects is a sustainable choice that contributes to a greener future.

Why is facade plastering green and sustainable?

  • Environmentally friendly materials: Crepi is made from natural and environmentally friendly materials, such as sand, cement, lime and water. These materials are renewable and have a lower environmental impact compared to other facade finishing options made from synthetic materials. By choosing crepi you contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of your new construction project.
  • Energy efficiency: Crepi can contribute to the energy efficiency of your building. The thermal insulation properties of crepi provide better heat management, reducing the need for heating and cooling. This results in lower energy costs and a reduced demand for fossil fuels, which is beneficial for the environment and contributes to a greener living environment. Would you like to learn more about the impact of a crepi facade on the energy efficiency of a building and the associated premiums you are entitled to? Then read more in InstaCrepi’s crepi guide !
  • Sustainability and long lifespan: Crepi is a sustainable choice for new construction projects because of its long lifespan. It provides protection against the elements, prevents moisture penetration and reduces the risk of damage to the underlying structure. By choosing crepi, you reduce the need for frequent replacement and extend the lifespan of the building, resulting in less waste and a reduced burden on natural resources.
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions: The production process of crepi results in lower CO2 emissions compared to other facade finishing options. In addition, crepi has a good heat storage capacity, which reduces the need for artificial heating and cooling. This leads to lower CO2 emissions and contributes to reducing climate change
  • Ecological benefits: Crepi also has ecological benefits, such as its ability to absorb and evaporate rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding. In addition, crepi can also contribute to better air quality by reducing dust accumulation and promoting a healthier indoor climate.
Modern house with a white plaster facade from
Houses in facade plaster from
A house with a gray crepi facade.

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A house with a gray crepi facade.
Houses in facade plaster from
Modern house with a white plaster facade from

In summary, crepi installation in new construction projects is not only an aesthetic and sustainable choice, but also a green choice. With the environmentally friendly materials used, energy efficiency, long lifespan and reduced CO2 emissions, crepi contributes to a greener future. By choosing crepi, you not only give your new construction project a beautiful appearance, but you also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. More information about installing a crepi facade in combination with facade insulation?